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Understanding the myth of SEO techniques and SEO techniques that fact

gambar tips SEO

SEO is just a myth or fact? Not all SEO techniques that you find at Internetadalah real and proven. But also not all SEO techniques are just a myth. Some obvious, some not yet proven. Confused yes? Not really. Let's look together with a reference document on SEO, sourced officially from Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

document reference
As a reference in the discussion of this article, I use:

Google articles about Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (PDF 551kb), must be downloaded lovers SEO.
Google Webmaster Guidelines
Google Friendly Sites
Google's U.S. Patent 7,031,954,
Google's U.S. Patent 7,031,961,
Yahoo! Search Content Quality Guidelines
MSN Guidelines for Successful Indexing
SEO techniques are real
1. Expand the number of links to web pages
The more other pages that point to a web page, then the destination web page will have an increasingly good position in Search Engines. Essentially a statement of google in Google Friendly Site page. Naturally, if the web or your blog is good, people would automatically put a link on their page. Is not natural, you can blogwalking on blogs dofollow or request a link exchange with another website or blog owner.

The phenomenon click here

Until now the phenomenon of "click here" (the power of text links) can still be seen on Google. Please enter the word "click here" without the quotes in Google, see pages into the top. Open the page, perhaps no single word "click here" on that page. Which causes a good page position on Google is because many web pages that link to the page with a sentence something like this: To download this software, click here. "Click here" here in the form of link that can be clicked. This phenomenon indicates that the number of links and text used as a link to the specific page will determine the page position in search engines. These are facts, not myths.
2. Keyword and quality of the article
Repeatedly mentioned in the Google Webmaster Guidelines, Yahoo! Search Content Quality Guidelines, and MSN Guidelines for Successful indexing, the content or quality of content is the main thing. Okey quality content but how to differentiate the main page's qualified or not? How do I differentiate page matches for the keywords that visitors typed in search engines? If we may suppose, if we were asked to create a search engine, or develop algorithms search engines, of which we consider is the number of keywords and keyword positions in the article is not it?
It is a fact again is that search engines consider keywords in the URL and title (title). If you enter a certain keyword on Google, and these keywords into the URL of a document search results, then the keyword in the in-bold by google is not it? Similarly, the key word in the title, which has always been bold by Google in the SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page). So the keywords in the URL and title / title is a decisive position in the search engines are the facts, not myths.
It's enough that's it, there are only 2 pieces of the SEO techniques that really real, and if you are already getting dizzy and do not want complicated, simply apply the two above mentioned SEO techniques. But if you have more time, please continue reading this article.SEO techniques that are based on Google about SEO Articles
Come to think somewhat strange, as search engines, Google issued an official document that contains SEO tips, please be downloaded at the link references that are disebutkkan above (PDF 551kb). If you must argue, SEO tips in the article some of it was good to improve your position in Google, or (at least) to simplify and speed up the index, but in part to prevent and combat the circulation of SEO tips that without a foundation, excessive optimization, or blackhat. These are some SEO tips on article Google:
1. Create unique and accurate title
In the Indonesian language teaching, essay title should be intriguing to attract readers. For example a romance short story can be titled "cherry blossoms", even though from the outset about the cherry blossoms are not discussed it at the end of the story describes a pair of lovers who meet under the cherry tree.
In view of SEO, the title of "cherry blossoms" appropriate if the article discusses about the cherry blossoms, such as shape, type, or how to plant it.
Google suggestions:

Creating an accurate title, unique, and different for each page.
Make the title short but clear.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

The default title such as 'Untitled' or company's name to all pages (if the name of the company's homepage it just does not matter).
The title is too long.
Adding keywords that are not needed in the title is redundant.
2. Using meta description
If you are comfortable with editing HTML, you can give the words that correspond to the meta description. In most directories do not even index the page, only the meta description and meta keywordnya are entered into their database.
Google suggestions:

Create a meta description that accurately describes its contents.
Create a meta description different for each page.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Create a meta description that has nothing to do with the content.
Membuat meta description only contains the keyword (not sentences).
Meta description is too general.
Copy-paste the contents of pages to the meta description.
Making the same meta description for all pages or partial pages.
3. Create a URL that either
Same as already discussed above, the keyword in the URL will also determine the page position in search engines. Suppose you create an article about the cherry blossoms, better use the URL:

URLs will appear in search results (SERP) and often used as a text link that leads to that page.
Google suggestions:

Using the URL in the form of words or sentences.
Make the structure of the directory (such as a folder in windows) is simple.
One page has only one URL.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

URL is too long, too general, or too many repeat keywords.
Make the structure of a complex directory or nothing to do with the content.
Mixed up the URL, sometimes with the prefix www, sometimes without the www. Sometimes with the suffix "/", sometimes not. Should be consistent.
Using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, should only be lowercase.
4. Makes navigating the site is easy and simple
Google suggests the site was made with a simple navigation from general to specific. For example on the main page there is a "company profile", in the page "company profile" there is a link to the "business", "AD / ART", "management", etc.. On the page "business" there is a link to the "off air", "on water", etc..
Google suggestions:

Creating a simple navigation hierarchy and natural.
Using a text link in the navigation.
Using a text which states the position in which visitors (breadcumb), which allows visitors can easily lead to a higher level, as shown when these visitors are in:

company profile> business sectors> off air

Creating an HTML sitemap, which is a page that contains links to all pages or critical pages in your site.
Consider if some URLs removed. For example a link to this article:

consider whether the link is valid if the link was cut into:

Make a useful 404 page. 404 page is a page that is shown when a visitor clicks or write the URL of a page that does not exist in your site. 404 pages can contain links to homepages or link to articles or popular page on your web.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Makes navigation very complex, for example, all the pages related to each other.
Creating pages that are too deep, the page can only be unlocked by repeatedly click and open another page which is very much in advance.
Using lots of images and animations for a link (preferably text).
HTML sitemap contains links that are invalid or not well organized.
Allowing 404 pages indexed search engine, just a short message "Not Found" or "Error 404" with no explanation, and use design inconsistencies such as only white pages.
5. Offering quality content and services
According to Google, web content quality is the key to be able to get traffic, because it will attract visitors to invite his friends went to see the web, whether via blog, email, word of mouth and so on.
Google suggestions:

Write web content in an easily understandable and organized topics.
Using key words which are expected to be used to target your visitors. Your web store for example is a car, then enter the keyword BMW, cars, used cars, cheap cars, and other words about a lot of people put into search engines. These words must be present in your web.
Creating new content, unique, and not found on another website.
Creating content that is intended for people, not search engines.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Many errors both in spelling and grammar.
Copy-paste from another website or blog.
Creating a page similar to other pages within a site (duplicate content).
Entering the keyword excessively, so that when read ordinary people causing discomfort.
Entering the words with spelling mistakes in the hope of people the wrong type in the search engines will find our website.
Make the text invisible to the user (eg due to very small or the background color of the text was the same).
6. Make a good anchor text
Anchor text is the text used as a link. This text serves as a keyword for the intended page. Make a good anchor text is very useful in SEO, whether to link to external pages and link to pages within our own site.
Google suggestions:

Write the anchor text that describes the content of the intended page.
Anchor write clear and concise text.
Make the anchor text is easily seen and unlike plain text (color, size, etc.).
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Make the anchor text that is too general such as "click here" or "click here".
Made the actual anchor text and anchor text is too long unnecessarily.
7. Make headings good tag
Heading tags are HTML code that shows the outline (outline), starting from <h1> to <h6>. Heading tags contain the article title, chapter titles, sub-chapter titles, or title of the important points, but not a paragraph of the article itself. For example an article about the cherry blossoms:

<h1> is the title of the article itself, such as "Flowers sakura"
<h2> are the chapter titles such as "Introduction", "Seeding" Care "
<h3> is a sub-chapter headings, for example, "Water Supplies", "Fertilizer Needs," etc..
Google suggestions:

Create a heading tag as a structured outline that spreads well in an article
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Make headings tags are not necessary, jumping up and down with no apparent structure.
Create a heading tag just for writing pleasing to the eye, not because of its structure.
Putting a paragraph in heading tags, should be a brief sentence or title.

8. Image optimization
Pictures in a website or blog is very powerful in SEO. Search engines currently can not index the text in the image, but it can index the attribute "ALT" on the picture. The text in the ALT attribute will appear if the image is not displayed in the visitor's browser to speed up browsing either intentionally or unintentionally by visitors.
Google suggestions:

Using the ALT attribute that clearly and concisely explain the picture.
Using the name of the file containing the image description or keyword.

For example, better use
kupu.jpg bow, oka-mahendra.gif
image001.jpg, fotoku.gif

Using ALT attributes if the image is used as the link is mandatory, its function is the same as the anchor text in the link text.
Put all pictures in a particular directory within a web site.
Using a common file types (JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP).
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Do not use the ALT attribute.
ALT attribute keyword is too long or excessively charged.
9. Creating an effective robots.txt
Robots.txt is a file that ordered the search engines NOT ALLOWED or access certain sections within the website. For example on the website, Robots.txt is located at:

User-agent: IRLbot
Crawl-delay: 3600
User-agent: *
Disallow: / next /
User-agent: *
If the code is inserted in the robots.txt file to disallow certain folders, those folders will not be indexed search engines, but can appear in search results, if there is a link to that page on other pages (including referrer logs). For more details, see the tutorial robots.txt.
So the robots.txt to prevent search engines from indexing certain pages but not to block visitors because visitors can still open it if you know its URL.
Google suggestions:

For sensitive pages using security protection not only robots.txt example htaccess.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Allows search result indexed search engines.
Allow the pages that are similar indexed search engines.
Allowing the URL of the proxy server is indexed search engines.
10. Using nofollow attribute
Create attributes rel = "nofollow" on links will tell search engines not to give 'reputation' of your page to the intended page. In the eyes of search engines, a link to another page will increase the 'reputation' intended page. The higher the 'reputation', the better the position of these pages on search engines.
Nofollow can be placed as a link attribute (rel = "nofollow") or applicable to the entire page if placed on the head (<metaname = "robots" content = "nofollow">)
Google suggestions:

Using nofollow attribute on links that are made freely by visitors, such as blog comments, guest books, referrer lists, forums, etc..
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO:

Without using the nofollow attribute, your blog or website has links prone to SPAM, SPAM links to pages can reduce the 'reputation' of your web.
11. Web Promotion correctly
With good content, links will be awakened by itself, because people will tend to write on a blog or web as a reference, discussed, or by voluntarily putting your web link to the blogroll. Although the content is the main thing, there's no harm in promoting your website or blog.
Google suggestions:

Create a blog about news and services of your company.
Do not forget about offline promotion such as posters, business cards, and so on.
If you're a business to target the local market, promote on Google Local Business Centre.
Join a community that supports your web promotion.
Common mistakes to avoid in SEO

Promotion of small things that are not efficient.
Joining a link exchange program that was engineered (such as pyramid schemes).
Buying links or other techniques that are not reasonable.
continued ..


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